The internet's most hated words? ~ The Linguistics Zone

Monday, August 27, 2007

The internet's most hated words?

As mentioned previously, language is always changing and new words are added to a language's vocabulary. However, is there a such thing as adding unnecessary words to a language?

There has been a survey done recently on the most hated words on the internet. Some argue that adding too many of these words will ruin the English language. Here are the top 10 words that made the list:

* Blog
* Blogosphere
* Vlog
* Blook
* Netiquette
* Webinar
* Folksonomy
* Social Networking
* Cookie
* Wiki

Note the large number of blend words (or portmanteau) on the list, it is quite the prevalent method of forming new words.

The word blog itself is an ugly sounding word, with the hard consonants b and g and the unpleasant vowel sound [ɔ]. Blog is pretty much ubiquitous now, the name has stuck, and it's too late to do anything about it. Newspapers are freely using this word without explaining what it is (i.e. it is no longer considered to be technical term).

Blogosphere is a collective term that describes all bloggers. I've heard this term being used by bloggers even though they hate it, simply "'cause there's no other word for it."

Blook seems like a poor choice simply to describe a web-based book. The pronunciation is ambiguous (does it rhyme with look or Luke?) Similarly, a vlog is simply a video blog (why start with the seldom used consonant cluster vl- ?) and there really isn't a need for a special designation.

Netiquette and webinar would be better off using their offline counterparts. Just plain old etiquette and seminar will do, no need for a new word just because it's "online."

Next, folksonomy (a play on taxonomy) is a way of having your site's visitors categorize web based content by themselves. I haven't heard this term used much, by the way. On the other hand, social networking is a term used relatively often to describe myspace-like sites.

Lastly, cookie (in the online sense at least) and wiki may be too technical to be included as new words that would appear in a dictionary.


Anonymous said...

What about @? A crazy Chinese couple tried to call their son by that name

TESTE said...


Do you really think that pointing the finger to some stuff you don't like is linguistics?

Do you really think that "I don't like bl- and vl-" is science?

Please, if say you write about linguistics, write about linguistics. If you don't, please don't make people think it is linguistics.

Have already read any single book on linguistics?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think that we are allowed to have opinions.

This is not a scientific blog at all, and any topic that relates to linguistics is fair game. I do not want to feel like I am copying out of a textbook giving lessons on linguistics.

This post, along with the previous post, has dealt with the topic of language change and evolution. More specifically, shows an example of how languages acquire new words.

As for your "bl-" and "vl-" complaint, have you ever heard about phonetics and allowed consonant clusters?

You are welcome to start a blog of your own if you do not like mine.

Anonymous said...

you must be joking, jew.. that cannot be true, absolutely insane imho!

I totally agree with you, john.. free speech :]

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I looked too aggressive or rude, but I'm not trying to ruin your project. No, nothing like this.

But, please, answer me this: how can this blog be a blog on linguistics, which is itself a science, without being a scientific blog? I agree that you shouldn't copy textbooks on linguistics, but you could at least say about them a little.

If you want to explore your own examples, that wonderful, but you could at least explore them a little further. Your posts on the "conversational maxims" were interesting, but I really think it would be great if you had the chance to discuss further those maxims, showing real-world examples, for instance, not only listing them.

Back to the current post, when you say it's "language change", couldn't you have a broader look on the change? Look, for instance, to words that are common today that weren't common at a certain point of time. Or, speculate whether this words will be still there ten, twenty years from now and present arguments on that.

Or, else, if you like being a prescriptivist (and say why you don't like "blog"), be one. But in this case, don't call yourself a linguist. Rename this blog to "Language Zone" or something. But, unfortunately, it a bit later for that, I think. Thus, the better option for you is being a little more linguist, what do you think? :)

(by the way, John, I really want to start a blog myself, but unfortunately this project will be postponed a few months. :( )

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'm not crazy about the term 'blog'. I often use weblog when writing just to avoid it. But what I really hate is the use of the word 'blog' as a verb. As in "Hey, dude, you totally have to blog this..."

Anonymous said...

The term "blook" seems fairly confusing to me. I first thought that it was a typo or some kind of ebook. Lets hope this one doesn't catch on!

Anonymous said...

Lol at blogosphere being in there, definitely one of the most annoying words I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

i agree with Plam Coast, blogosphere sounds very werid. However, blog and vlog are becoming common linguistics on blog. For me I prefer calling it as a 'blog' rather than 'weblog'

for Jew, some chinese couple put @ on their son the possibility of that might be they changed their son original name. It doesn't related to the linguistic about blog

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything at all wrong with the evolution of the english language. and don't forget, evolution doesn't always make things stronger, it often makes them weaker, so just because a few cruddy words like "vlog" are creaping into the mix doesnt mean we arent moving forward. Eventually the useless words will stop being used and the useful words will be adopted. Its all a part of the evolution of the human world

Anonymous said...

yeah, although i´m a blogger too, i really hate these words in the top10 list. all of them!

Anonymous said...

I'm really surprised that you find blog such an ugly word, I guess I've never really thought about it. But I still find it odd to see it in the top 10 list.

Anonymous said...

Webinar is probably my least favorite of those words. Blogosphere is probably a close second place. I've never heard of a blook (what happened to e-book?) or some of these other words, and I hope I never have to hear about them again

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily like the word blog either, but replacing it with weblog doesn't really work for me. I think there is a large group of people who wouldn't know what your talking about.

Anonymous said...

i don't think there should be any reason to hate these words. They were formed to have a term and give meaning to new stuffs, processes, etc. They're a part of information revolution. As new things are discovered, made, produced, new terms will continue to emerge

Anonymous said...

Why is Friendster not on the list? ^_^

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think that we are allowed to have opinions.

Anonymous said...

Are these words really HATED? I didn't think anyone thought anything of them... except for maybe older generations who don't understand them. Of course new words are being invented! That's how language works!

You made me curious, so I looked it up, and I found this funny little bit of information on Wikipedia:

The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997. The short form, "blog," was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog in April or May of 1999.This was quickly adopted as both a noun and verb ("to blog," meaning "to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog").

Anonymous said...

Agreed with this article, there are some words which shouldn't enter our language.

Anonymous said...

interesting post, blog bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

Nicely written. I can relate to most of your points.

Anonymous said...

I hate defenetly 1/2 of this words.And cookie is a part of my work.As well as wiki is very useful thing

Anonymous said...

It seems that, people hate words that have "-og" in it. Like blog. Years ago when I first heard it, what come across my mind was, "sounds ugly, what's that?"

Anonymous said...

folksotomy is something new to me

didnt even know that it exist

great stuff here..

Anonymous said...

I do wish these new Internet words would never be considered "real" words.

Anonymous said...

Hated? Really?!? I don't think so...unless you use those words in the wrong way. Well, if that is a survey, so be it.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see webinar on the list. I don't think its a rational response, but for some reason that term (yeah, i don't even want to type it again) really gets to me.

Anonymous said...

Gr8 very nice post !! Its good keep going

Jazzman said...

"Blook" - yes, junk work

Anonymous said...

I hate when they post everything with a "Z" on the end as if it's elite to do so.... Like when they take a simple word like myspace graphics and call it myspace grafxz or graphicz. I mean really. Is all that necessary??

Anonymous said...

well, `blog` is worldwide word use nowadays... i dont think this post so relevant.. besides, people evolve, words too..

Anonymous said...

Nice post, its a really cool blog that you have here, keep up the good work, will be back.Here's my little site I'm gonna blog about

Anonymous said...

keep of the good work. There's no harm in having a little fun.


Anonymous said...

I think blog and wiki words are now widely accepted in all languages. Languages always evolve according to technology.

Anonymous said...

i think it isnt so bad

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think that we are allowed to have opinions.

Anonymous said...

i really hate these words in the top10 list

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you, john

Anonymous said...

blogosphere is one of the most annoying words I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

intresting, would not have thought about it that way myself.

Anonymous said...

I am not wondered to know all that words. Although all of those are most hatred but they are most used words in internet language. We can't deny the truth so we shall have to use them all our life.

Anonymous said...

Lol at blogosphere being in there, definitely one of the most annoying words I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Truly, Those are mostly used words in bloggers life(I am using one of those words and i.e blogger) and they are essential.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "Chess Openings Guru".. Thats how a language evolves and get better. Soon or later rotten eggs will be isolated. Old guys accept changes hardly. Who know the "civil" words we use today are taken same "civil" from old generation?

Anonymous said...

I hate word blogosphere. it sound weird.. it's better if become like blog sphere or something

Anonymous said...

I can't stand "vlog" personally.

Anonymous said...

Very useful information. Thanks in advance. I will be your frequent visitor.

Anonymous said...

I was looking for this information a long time. Thank you very much. I think that will be your constant reader.

Anonymous said...

That is our sad reality if we base our lives around the internet. Normal people don't hate those words.

Anonymous said...

are these words really hated by the internet? I think its just terms on the internet that is just for the internet itself. Obviously you can't put those words on something like for example, a coursework

Anonymous said...

It was interesting to read your article

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think that we are allowed to have opinions.

Anonymous said...

Your posts on the "conversational maxims" were really interesting, but I think it would be great

Anonymous said...

In my opinion there are more of this hated words but we have to learn how to live around them. We cannot erase them form millions of documents registered by the internet.

Anonymous said...

omg vlog and blook!! never heard of it before, but the words are really ugly. Blog is very commen and I like the word. there is nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

The internet is creating lots of words that are bizarre and make learning the language much tougher than it was in the past. Luckily many of these words do not stick around too awful long. Even the word blog may be obsolete some are saying that social media has blogging on the brink of dying out.

Anonymous said...

What about @? A crazy Chinese couple tried to call their son by that name

Anonymous said...

I am a bit surprised at some of the words you mentioned. I don't really see an issue with most of those.

Anonymous said...

What about @? A crazy Chinese couple tried to call their son by that name

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I'm not crazy about the term 'blog'.

Anonymous said...

I often use web blog when writing just to avoid it. But what I really hate is the use of the word 'blog' as a verb.

Anonymous said...

I heard this article before from somewhere. and i would love to visit here soon.

Anonymous said...

For me the word "Blook" is very strange.

Anonymous said...

I think, this post, along with the previous post, has dealt with the topic of language change and evolution.

Anonymous said...

I think, that wonderful, but you could at least explore them a little further.

Anonymous said...

I think Blog is not included now. people are really so happy and satisfied with blog.

Anonymous said...

the other day i was told by someone on the internet that i should "plurk" her. i found out later that "plurk" was some kind of social network. i have since then only heard the term a few other times, but it is already my most hated internet word next to "wiki" (which sounds like a star wars character to me....).

Anonymous said...

ha this is great! its really true and makes me chuckle!

Anonymous said...

The word SEO is the most hated by Google and they are in a campaign to eradicate it from the Internet.

spring river moon said...

I really don't understand why "blog" is the top word of the internet's most hated many blogs bring us valuable information.people should not hate it just because someone spam.

Anonymous said...

That's quite funny, more and more words are really getting added with the advance of technology and I think too many technical words will ruin the language.

Pozole Blanco said...

Oh yes that is also hated on tv!!

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Aww another great post like always

iPhone Fan said...

i think so these words should be added now they are generic words

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It is a nice idea I must say...

doing business in the philippines said...

I was surprised when I read that blog and social networking are in the list of the Internet's most hated words. i mean, how come those words were considered hateful. Hence, thanks for sharing these info!

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For me most hated words are:buy essay , yahooo and blogs))

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My personal gripe word is spam! I mean how is advertising and email anything like canned ham? bizarre

Change My Mind said...

I believe that term came from an internet nerd who couldnt get out of his house for all his pocket protectors... lol, j/k!

1hourcashking said...

Ya i really agree with the article.i really hate these words in the top10 list. all of them!Thanks for the post.keep blogging.

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It's a good post. Specially Gr8 is very post. Thank you. Keep it.

homesecurity01 said...

Agreed with this article, there are some words which shouldn't enter our language.Interesting post.keep blogging.

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My most hated internet based word would have to be viagra. That or blog

homesecurity01 said...

Agreed with this article, there are some words which shouldn't enter our language.Interesting post.keep blogging.

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This thing is absolutely fine to have received the information from this site and she said on a blog or a forum that did not get here on this blog is from ..

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something annoying is how people is starting to writte in chats and sms, they writte really shortway , i mean, if the wanna say, be right back, the just writte brb... i dont really like it

imergent.420 said...

yeah, although i´m a blogger too, i really hate these words in the top10 list. all of them!Thanks for sharing.

storesonlineworldwide said...

I don't necessarily like the word blog either, but replacing it with weblog doesn't really work for me. I think there is a large group of people who wouldn't know what your talking about.Thanks for sharing

Hypnosis Mp3 said...

I cant stand brb,bbiab,brt and so on... sheesh

Anonymous said...

When you're driving around, these wordss are mostly the most normal words you hear from people. You just could not have enough of these words from people.

Anonymous said...

You just couldn't have enough of these words being said by people.

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swosti23 said...

My most hated internet based word would have to be viagra. That or blog.Really good article.Very informative.Thanks for sharing. said...

Having written articles that require this much work, I commend you for your service to the future bloggers. I’m sure they will appreciate it! Great job.I keep seeing articles like these.

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I do not like the word "Netiquette", sure there are ways to conduct yourself online, but do we have to use that word. :)

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I agree that you shouldn't copy textbooks on linguistics, but you could at least say about them a little.If you want to explore your own examples, that wonderful, but you could at least explore them a little further. Thanks for sharing.

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This is a collective term that describes all bloggers. I've heard this term being used by bloggers even though they hate it, simply "'cause there's no other word for it.

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Fee said...

although i´m a blogger too, i really hate these words too and they are in the top10 list. all of them!

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Interesting... It looks like even the INTERNET has such words.

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Does it really matter ? As long as communication of ideas and opinions is not harmed, then lets words be words.
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Free speech to everybody. Don´t get "blogged" down with technicalities, communicate and peace to all!

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Steffy said...

What about LOL? Hate this word

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Jane Hamilton said...

Well, John, I don't know if you resent new words stemming from the Internet culture, or the very growth of the Internet culture itself. When a new phenomenon comes up, it is only natural that new words relevant to that phenomenon or field also become prevalent. We have no place in calling something an 'ugly' word! Some of the scientific names of plants, animals, chemicals etc are really cumbersome to pronounce and have ridiculous spellings. Do we see science students complaining that the words are ugly?!?!
As a person interested in linguistics, you should be able to understand that the very beauty of the English language lies in the fact that it can evolve comfortably, and quickly to accommodate any number of concepts and words that the world can offer.
Why resent something wonderful like that?

And seriously, what is wrong with the word 'blog'....?!!?!

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Blogs are very interesting some times.

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Josh @iD Tech Camps said...

Ha! I'm surprised that I hadn't heard of a few of those words. Blook may actually be the ugliest word I have ever heard, phonetically and conceptually. Are we really so lazy that we just jam two words together instead of inventing terminology?

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I totally agree with 'folksonomy'. Ridiculous.

Interesting article, although not strictly linguistics.

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I'm really surprised that you find blog such an ugly word, I guess I've never really thought about it. But I still find it odd to see it in the top 10 list.

Affiliate Marketing Guide said...

I must say I disagree with you. Perhaps because I am an affiliate marketer and the words you chose as top 10 contain a lot of the phrases that we use on a day to day basis. Blogs for example are the cornerstone of our business

John Michael said...

You know, I'm on the computer at least four hours a day, and I find it particularly interesting that I've never heard of a blook.

I'm almost wondering if some of these words are made up. Maybe they're just too jargony to stay around for very long (hopefully).

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World is now like a globalize village & Internet is part of our daily life. Top 10 words you mentioned is part of the virtual or internet language & i don't think it adding it to our language is a good idea. I mean we do have scientific or biological names for thing, but we don't use those words in regular life. So these words are good on internet not a part of regular life. That's my opinion.

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"Blog", "netiquette", "cookie" and "wiki" have been voted among the most irritating words spawned by the Internet, according to the results of a poll published Thursday. Jeanette 

Jeanette  said...

"Blog", "netiquette", "cookie" and "wiki" have been voted among the most irritating words spawned by the Internet, according to the results of a poll published Thursday.

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i don't think it adding it to our language is a good idea. I mean we do have scientific or biological names for thing, but we don't use those words in regular life.

Jom said...

The beauty of English language is that you can add new words to it easily. Though I also don't like some of the words like blook and floxonomy or whatever it was, still I can't say I hate them. To stay online, I have to use those words at one point or other. But still you have the right to your own opinion.

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Google's most hated words must be: remove no follow tags.

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That poor Google spider.

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Great post, really fun I'm getting interested in linguistics.

Robin said...

I don't think that someone can control the birth of new words. Moreover for some a word may sound odd, some may like it. I like the word, blog, for example.

king said...

That is funny. Oh well, guess it has to happen sometimes.

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Agreed with this article, there are some words which shouldn't enter our language.

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I agree with you that internet terminologies come into existence without any linguistic or grammatical basis and spoil the vocabulary. I don't find any good in the words like webinar, wiki or blog.

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