Types of conversation repairs ~ The Linguistics Zone

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Types of conversation repairs

In the last post on conversation repairs, we mentioned that there are 4 possible ways to resolve them. Here's an explanation and examples of the 4 kinds of repairs. Keep in mind that conversations that are both self-initiated and self-repaired are the most preferable and least disruptive.

The part of the conversation which initiates the repair will be displayed in red, while the part that resolves the repair will be displayed in blue.

1. Self-initiated and self-repaired

Situations used in:
- correcting yourself
- you can't find the right word, and you find it yourself after a small pause

Example 1:
A: I'm heading off to Sue's-- I mean Mary's house tonight.

Example 2:
A: I need to renew my whatchamacallit-- my prescription today.

2. Other-initiated and self-repaired

Situations used in:
- couldn't hear the speaker clearly
- misunderstanding

Example 3:
A: I'm heading off to vacation next week.
B: What?
A: I said I am going on vacation next week.

Example 4:
Students: We want to [unintelligible speech] the books today!
Teacher: You want to count the books?
Students: No, we want to color the books!

3. Self-initiated and other-repaired

Situations used in:
- you can't find the right word, and someone else fills it in for you

Example 5:
A: I need more storage space on my computer, so I need to get a new umm....
B: A hard drive?
A: Yeah, that's right, a hard drive.

4. Other-initiated and other-repaired

Situations used in:
- you have your facts incorrect and someone else corrected you

Example 6:
A: With the 6% sales tax, that would add quite a bit to the price.
B: The sales tax is actually 7%. *

Example 7:
A: Aren't you glad that today is payday?
B: Payday is actually tomorrow. *

* indicates that the repair has been both initiated and resolved in the same sentence.


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With their song Sunny Came Home she was in 1997 in the international charts in the top ten places in the U.S. Billboard charts.

Colvin began in the late 1970s to work seriously in the music scene, first in Austin in the U.S. state of Texas, then nation-wide. During this time she met her music partner John Leventhal know he later became producer of several albums Colvin.

Her career began after initial experiments with his own band and various other engagements in 1987 as a background singer Suzanne Vega. In addition to performances by Tracy Chapman, Suzanne Vega, the Indigo Girls and other artists, she completed several tours and took a number of sometimes quite successful albums. Her work has won several Grammys, Grammy nominations and the New York Music Award for best singer.

Colvin's first several albums were praised by critics, sold, but not in substantial numbers. After several albums of songs Colvin released "Cover Girl", a collection of new recordings of songs by other artists and this work, however, was not recorded very positive.

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Bulgaria, in long form the Republic of Bulgaria, Bulgarian Republika Balgarija and Balgarija (Roman transliteration ISO 9), and Bulgarian Cyrillic Република България България, is a country in Southeastern Europe is located in the Balkan Peninsula. The oldest European city, Plovdiv is located in Bulgaria. The first vestiges of civilization in this area date from the Mycenaean period, either the late second millennium BC. AD. Bulgaria covers a part of the territory of ancient Thrace (in Greek Θρᾴκη / Thraki, Bulgarian Тракия) where, according to Greek mythology, the god Dionysus was born. Bulgaria borders the Black Sea to the east, south by Greece and Turkey to the north by the Danube and Romania, west by Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia.

Located south-east Europe, the Balkans, Bulgaria is the oldest Slavic country still in existence. Founded in 680-681, Bulgaria is a successor state of Volga Bulgaria and Great Bulgaria. It was a powerful empire in the Middle Ages, in the period from 700 to 1018 (First Empire) and from 1185 to 1370 (Second Empire). After 1371, due to political crisis, the Second Empire is fragmented into several small principalities, which fall under the Ottoman attacks at the end of the century. After a series of revolts in the 1800s, a Bulgarian principality was formed and obtained its independence in 1908. Until 1944, Bulgaria was allied to Germany and becomes a socialist country under the influence of the USSR in 1946. In 1990, the communist regime fell and the Republic of Bulgaria is formed.

Bulgaria is part of the European Union, NATO, the World Trade Organization and La Francophonie. Bulgaria wanted to adopt the euro from 2013, but she abandoned this project due to a deficit higher than expected [4].

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