The Story of 7R-Block ~ The Linguistics Zone

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Story of 7R-Block

Setting: at an upscale restaurant taking a customer's order, we now get to the drinks.

Me: And what would you like to drink?

Customer: "7R-Block."

Thoughts ran through my head: What the heck is that? It sounds more like a tax firm than a drink.

Me: Hmm, I've never heard of that one. Is it a mixed drink?

Customer: I know you have it, I order it every time I come here.

Me: Okay, just hold on for a second, I'll be right back.

I went back to the kitchen and asked the other workers if they have heard of a drink that is called 7R Block. Perhaps it is a "secret code" used by the employees that I haven't been taught yet or maybe some kind of slang.

Me (to employees): We've got someone wanting a "7R-Block." Do we have anything by that name here?

The employees haven't heard of it either, and recommended that I give the customer a menu with our complete drink listings and have him point out what he is referring to.

Me: Here is our complete menu. You can point out exactly what you want.

What did the customer point at?
(highlight the black text by dragging your mouse over it to reveal it)

Sauvignon Blanc


Anonymous said...

That took me a second to get. even after reading it

Anonymous said...

What is that. I have never heard about that.

Anonymous said...

Me, too. I have to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Damn..took me I while to get it.

Anonymous said...

Wow... I didn't know that story.

Anonymous said...

I got this right off! Where I live people are very bad about saying things how they are spelled.

Anonymous said...

Took me a while to get it

Anonymous said...

:) Hahaha Montana is sweet drink. Nice joke.

Anonymous said...

What is this. I can't understand :(

Anonymous said...

Finally got it :D, took awhile though.

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, whats this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good.

Anonymous said...

I never got it!

Anonymous said...

im still not sure if i get it... i think i do but dang, i feel kinda embarassed -_-

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what are talking about

Anonymous said...

Interesting! Thought I was slow. Good to know others didn't get immediately!

Anonymous said...

i guess im not educated enough to have gotten that joke :s

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's much to get. The guy just didn't pronounce it right.

Anonymous said...

It's simple but still funny

Anonymous said...

Great. The best part is that the customer thought that he would tout it off that he orders it everytime, probably just to belittle you. But it all turns out that he was an idiot. Good story.

Anonymous said...

It took me a while, but finally got it... nice one

Anonymous said...

Hey it took me long time to get it :D

Anonymous said...

That is nice information. I guess I have to find some more information on the matter.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I think I should put some free information on this topic on my freestuffslinks blog.LOL

Anonymous said...

Too long to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

I think 7R is 7up... but i am scratching my head with Block. That is weird

Anonymous said...

That is nice information. I got this right off!

Anonymous said...

lol - that's why it's so funny is because it takes so long to figure the joke out

Michael said...

it took me a while but i got it....

I am from the wine country they would be ashamed of me lol

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of that one before.

Anonymous said...

guess I'm not educated enough either!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha.Actually I am not sure that its a joke or somebody really want this.

Anonymous said...

Whats that? I have no idea about that.

Anonymous said...

Great humor :D

Anonymous said...

LOL.. I can't believe. Is that real story...? Nice one.

Anonymous said...

I get this all the time when people are talking about cigarettes at the petrol station.

"I want some BH 4s"

Then when I reply that I have no idea what he is talking about the customer will go into a meticulous conversation explaining cigarretes, while in my head he is just saying.... " blah.... blahh..... cancer..... waste of money..... blah......".

Anonymous said...

:))) That was funny...took me a while to understand it

Anonymous said...

well, don't know french at all...
is that supposed to be that the customer was pronouncing it correctly or the waiter didn't know French?

Anonymous said...

The customer was may be drunkard.

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, whats this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good.

Anonymous said...

Haha.. it is only a matter of incorrect pronounciation. Good thing you show the menu ;0

Anonymous said...

That is a creative twist on words. I read the whole thing and missed it completely! Is it a true story?

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's funny. I'm not sure how it's really pronounced though... :[

Anonymous said...

that's like the ID-10-t error joke. It is pronounced like "sovynyon" and is a French area after which is named a wine brand. It's about "Cabernet Sauvignon" white wine I guess.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy to read your post cause its really too much enjoyable and funny.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. nice and new information for me.

Anonymous said...

Lol that was nice
BTW your blog is very unique...:)

Anonymous said...

Is it a true story?Looks good.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the nice and cool post.Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Haahah..Nice joke.I like this very much.Keep posting.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, great joke! We do that alot in society,don't we?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.. at first I never thought about that.. thanks for sharing the joke ;0

Anonymous said...

That is actually REALLY cool. I didn't make the connection for a good minute--probably because I've never taken to French (German is more down my alley). Good phonetic description of the words.

Anonymous said...

its simple, but funny

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha..nice joke man.I like this very much.I hope it may come true.ha ha ha...

Anonymous said...

Very nice article.. thanks

Anonymous said...

i need still a moment :P

Anonymous said...

ok joke - though took me to get abit also, not the only slow one out there after all.

Anonymous said...

Its really a nice fun.I like this type fun.

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, whats this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good.

Anonymous said...

HA ha ah..I always like your this type funny post.

Anonymous said...

i have to look into this, never heard of it :/

Anonymous said...

It all about the conversation between the customer and me. The customer is frustrated with the taxes.

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, what’s this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to figure it out and hit upon how it is. Hope the drink tastes good.

Anonymous said...

That took me some time too. I think it is a drink but never had it. He must be from Europe to pronounce it like that. I was funny any way.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha..I like you this greater fun.Keep posting like this.

Anonymous said...

Hey I never heard about this. i asked couple of my friends about this but they also don’t know this. What exactly the customer is talking about..??.

Anonymous said...

I think I will order a 7R-Block when I go out next time! That is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

I live people are very bad about saying things how they are spelled.

Anonymous said...

I like your funs always.So,I like to visit your site.Keep posting my friend.

Anonymous said...

I did not get the joke earlier or at the first instance but then I slowly started to laugh and found it really funny. Seems like this is a case of Europeans visiting US.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty that how you really pronounce it? If so, I just realized how retarded I must have sounded back when I was a waiter!

Anonymous said...

Does the actual pronunciation even come close to '7R Block'? Not to my ears, unless I've also been saying it differently.

Anonymous said...

Hey dont u think the customer really does not know what he need actually or he seeks wrong drink in wrong place.

Anonymous said...

We are waiting for your next entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Thats so funny. It didn't take me much long to figure the joke out. Never heard of this wine before though.

Anonymous said...

I live people are very bad about saying things how they are spelled.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Nice joke

Anonymous said...

gosh, I don't get it!

Anonymous said...

it took me a while but i got it....

Anonymous said...

Its right that it didn't take me much long to figure the joke out. Never heard of this wine before though.

Anonymous said...

what ? I don't get the point.

Anonymous said...

I cant understand any think!!!! wht is 7R-Block?? is some kinds of drink or other thing??

Anonymous said...

Ya me too I cant understand the story need to read it for second time and try to find it out.

Anonymous said...

7R-Block whats that :)
I've no idea.. :(
Explain me please..

Anonymous said...

ya me too I live people are very bad about saying things how they are spelled.

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, whats this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is and untill i do thiscan't tell how the drink tastes.

Anonymous said...

Have you people actually read the post?

Anonymous said...

Great Blog, I hope to be a friend of u all .
my blog is about the automated forex :

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog.
Thnx for the owner.

Anonymous said...

What is that ?
I didnt understand it...

Anonymous said...

It took me about 2 minutes but I got it eventually, maybe its because im not educated hahah

Anonymous said...

My comment will probably be lost in the massive 91 other comments so far but that is a funny post.

I once had a co-worker mention sham-pag-knee instead of champagne.

Anonymous said...

It took me a few sec to get it.

Anonymous said...

mmm, I think it's good article and useful for me

Anonymous said...

Great Article, thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...

I'd not heard that one before. Pretty good.

Anonymous said...

That is really funny, Before highlighting that text, I was thinking seriously about it.

Anonymous said...

Very clever - took me a while to get it though!

Anonymous said...

haha, must of had a wild accent

Anonymous said...

haha..that was really a nice one..frist i was searching for the black part...really good I understood after the anwer was found..:)

Anonymous said...

very nice story.

Anonymous said...

I was really confused about the Black dot..i read that twice and then I understood that...really very funny article and tricky too.

Anonymous said...

great! thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hey, great to know this. Was this really a true incident. It was humourous. But I must admit that the (Sauvignon Blanc) choice was really great....LOL.

Anonymous said...

This would be funny... if I didn't do exactly the same thing... :(

Anonymous said...

I still don't get it.

Anonymous said...

intresting, would not have thought about it that way myself.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I cant understand any thing!! what is 7R-Block??

Anonymous said...

I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is.

Anonymous said...

I think the guy just didn't pronounce it right.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering why we don't have posts on this blog anymore? This is most informative blog in my blog list and I am missing new posts. I am expecting some new posts and these should be there.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have a 7R-Block!!! Haha.

That's a common problem with people here in my place. They're bad spellers, nor do they get to pronounce words properly. :(

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Nice! I got it eventually too. : )

Anonymous said...

eheheh very cool :-)

Anonymous said...

really nice joke...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.. that was so funny. Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Nice joke. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha...nice joke...

Anonymous said...

Dropping by here to say Hello.

Anonymous said...

Took me a while to get this one to, but had a good laugh in the end.

Anonymous said...

Didn't know this story, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

sigh.. i fail to get it.

Anonymous said...

That is fruit of our going slang. Sometimes it is so unpredictable and make many illusions. This one is very funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, whats this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good. And I can't believe. Is that real story...? Nice one.

Anonymous said...

Hmm..Interesting one. But there are some logical shortage in the story.LOl

Anonymous said...

If that customer come regularly then why didn't the waiter didn't recognized him? confusing.

Anonymous said...

Hm. I guess you are talking from the view from the place of the customer here.

Anonymous said...

I love the way the problem was solved) You didn't make him feel bad about his pronounciation, but just acted as if it was your fault) I mean it's really cool, when a consumer is treated like that) keep up with it and the business will definitely grow.;)

Anonymous said...

I have never heard about that.

Anonymous said...

I also think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good.

Anonymous said...

I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good. I always enjoy to read your post cause its really too much enjoyable and funny.

Anonymous said...

Even better,

ask the wine waiter if he's got a semillion (pronounced semi-on), or tell the wine waitress you've got a semillion, ask your dinner partner if they've tried your semillion - the potential is endless.

Anonymous said...

I went back to the kitchen and asked the other workers if they have heard of a drink that is called 7R Block. Perhaps it is a "secret code" used by the employees that I haven't been taught yet or maybe some kind of slang.

Anonymous said...

I still don't get it. What the meaning?

Anonymous said...

I never heard about that, but still it is a good story. I liked it. I didn't understand.I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is.

Anonymous said...

I went back to the kitchen and asked the other workers if they have heard of a drink that is called 7R Block. Perhaps it is a "secret code" used by the employees that I haven't been taught yet or maybe some kind of slang.

Anonymous said...

I made the same mistake just last week. Silly me!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

:))) how it is possible to read the title so that it sounds like 7r block... transcription is nowhere near it...

Anonymous said...

I still don't get it. lol That's a wine, right? Ok. Let me read all the comments for some help. :O)

Anonymous said...

"Lipsense said...

Hey buddy, whats this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good. And I can't believe. Is that real story...? Nice one.
Lipsense, What are you talking about? What you want to perceive or conclude from the story. It is so simple and funny.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, If I shall be there, he will not even listen this in that way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it is a funny and interesting story.simple pronunciation mistake can give birth a new word.ha ha ha.thanks.

Anonymous said...

I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good.

Better Than Coffee said...

gosh! it's not funny anymore, the moment i started analyzing it. LOLz.

nobe - love letters to my son - favorite internet things

Anonymous said...

This is the latest post and i just want to request that please don't leave this blog an orphan and post some new content. This post was being posted in April and so many months have been gone so please, please, please come back and post something.

Anonymous said...

Several times I have read this story and enjoyed.Thanks again for this.

Anonymous said...

Lol, that was kinda funny, but not funny if you keep reading it...rofl

Anonymous said...

i dont get the storyy :(

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, whats this about? I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is. Hope the drink tastes good.I got this right off!

Anonymous said...

never heard of it "7R-Block."...i think i have try it

Anonymous said...

hahaha - Nice one, lolxx

Anonymous said...

ha ha ..really funny joke.simple pronunciation mistake can made a huge misunderstanding.

Anonymous said...

Lol, some people just dont even try to pronounce stuff.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame this blog seems to have been abandoned... it's good.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Very nice post.Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Very old story but like this.Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

The guy just didn't pronounce it right.

Anonymous said...

I made the same mistake just last week. I was much careful but I made the mistake.

Anonymous said... also dont know wat is "7R-Block."..but will check it out..

Anonymous said...

I have never heard it neither I knew that story. I think I had to shape it out and find out how it is.Anyway it's really quit interesting.Good thinking to share.......

Anonymous said...

Lol, wtf?

Anonymous said...

Amusing jokes.I really love it.Thanks for sharing.Keep posting.....

Anonymous said...

It took me a minute but funny I guess!

Anonymous said...

Sauvignon Blanc

Anonymous said...

I have never heard about that.So how do i say about it.But it seems a funny story to share.Thanks to share.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty flipping funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.Its very funny.

Anonymous said...

I think I will order a 7R-Block when I go out next time! That is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting buddy, thanks for sharing it out ;)

Anonymous said...

7R-Block ..... never heard before .. can anyone tell me what is this???? but your story is pretty much funny. :)

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Anonymous said...

You're really thankful for this post, I was searching for this kinda stuff. Thanks for sharing it out !!

Anonymous said...

I cant understand any think!!!! wht is 7R-Block?? is some kinds of drink or other thing??

Anonymous said...

Nice joke :)) thank you!

Anonymous said...

I just love it ..... well i don't have any doubt about your articles... your posts are awesome... Honestly you are simply the best.Thanks for sharing this in your post with us.

Anonymous said...

Occasionally I look here by and read the interesting and well written contributions. Today I would like to leave gladly a greeting from Thuringia in Germany!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness are you serious?
he wanted a Sauvignon blanc and asked for a sevenr block? priceless!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Very interesting read, you should be proud of your blog.

Your website is very nicely designed, I have already bookmarked it.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that lots of people share my same interests and thoughts. Great Blog, I will continue reading new articles you post here in the future. Love your layout too.

Anonymous said...

I love to visit your blog occasionally for a good read in my spare time! You are putting very good effort into the stuff you post. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

hate to say i didn't get it :( thanks anyway :P

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your site and have subscribed to it. Every time I visit your posts make me want to get visit it again.

I'm looking forward to see your future posts. Cheers !!

Anonymous said...

Thats so funny. It didn't take me much long to figure the joke out. Never heard of this wine before though.

Anonymous said...

try to grab what said

Anonymous said...

Lol. That reminds me of all the funny stuff.. this happens all the time like one time someone I know went to France. Being a renowned know-it-all, he barged right into the building that had a "Tulet" sign, much to the disgust of the French

Anonymous said...

Lol that's great stuff. These kinda things happen all the time. I just got a whole bunch of funny experiences from our trip to China for the Beijing olympics.

Anonymous said...

Terribly sorry for the triple post, I thought I lost my post because my internet keeps going off, and I keep getting a "unable to load" message sorry!

Anonymous said...

Glad I stumbled into this article! Finally, got what I was looking for to put on my school report... Thanks for sharing this :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Very interesting read, you should be proud of your blog. I’ve been really enjoying checking up your posts from time to time. Looking forward to see your future posts :)

Anonymous said...

That the strange abbreviation i ever heard before ,i didn't hear it before could you tell me more?

pattaya hotels

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! It is funny to listen how differently people pronounce things differently in other areas.

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Reminds me of the kind of jokes that my Grandfather use to tell

Anonymous said...

Glad I stumbled into this article! Finally, got what I was searching for to put on my academy report... Thanks for administration this :)

Anonymous said...

funny! But not so much...

Anonymous said...

I still cannot figure out what is this about?

Anonymous said...

If that customer come regularly then why didn't the waiter didn't recognized him? confusing.